You can use Markdown with Sphinx in at least three ways:
MyST Markdown supports Sphinx and Docutils roles and directives. Jupyter Book builds upon MyST Markdown. With Jupyter Book, you can include Jupyter notebooks (which can include MyST Markdown) in your Sphinx docs. Executable notebooks are a much easier way to include up-to-date code outputs in docs.
Nbsphinx predates Jupyter Book and doesn't yet support MyST Markdown, but does support Markdown cells in Jupyter notebooks. Nbsphinx includes a parser for including .ipynb Jupyter notebooks in Sphinx docs. nbsphinx supports raw RST (ReST) cells in Jupyter notebooks and has great docs:
Nbdev is another approach; though it's not Sphinx:
> nbdev is a library that allows you to fully develop a library in Jupyter Notebooks, putting all your code, tests and documentation in one place.
> [...] Add %nbdev_export flags to the cells that define the functions you want to include in your python modules
MyST Markdown supports Sphinx and Docutils roles and directives. Jupyter Book builds upon MyST Markdown. With Jupyter Book, you can include Jupyter notebooks (which can include MyST Markdown) in your Sphinx docs. Executable notebooks are a much easier way to include up-to-date code outputs in docs.
Sphinx (& ReadTheDocs) w/ recommonmark:
Nbsphinx predates Jupyter Book and doesn't yet support MyST Markdown, but does support Markdown cells in Jupyter notebooks. Nbsphinx includes a parser for including .ipynb Jupyter notebooks in Sphinx docs. nbsphinx supports raw RST (ReST) cells in Jupyter notebooks and has great docs:
Nbdev is another approach; though it's not Sphinx:
> nbdev is a library that allows you to fully develop a library in Jupyter Notebooks, putting all your code, tests and documentation in one place.
> [...] Add %nbdev_export flags to the cells that define the functions you want to include in your python modules
A few additional sources of docs for Sphinx and ReStructuredText:
Read The Docs docs > Getting Started with Sphinx > External Resources
CPython Devguide > "Documenting Python"
"How to write [Linux] kernel documentation"
... "Ask HN: Recommendations for Books on Writing [for engineers]?"