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I think he got hired because AWS likes government and military contracts, and he has personal phone numbers of people who make that sort of decisions. And he doesn't have them through NSA data gathering, but because he can call these people and ask if they'd like to have a steak dinner and talk about why they should choose AWS...

Maybe. And even if he doesn't have the dirt on various people with power, including a bit lower down the food-chain. The idea that he might gives him an edge in those steak dinners.

It stinks no matter how you look at it. Actual criminal getting rich post crimes while Snowden who let us all know what a crook he is, is stuck in exile.

The rule of law and equality before it needs to be established.

"Bezos Taps Criminal To Strengthen Bid For Government Work"

Is about the kindest possible spin you can put on a headline for this story, right?

While I agree in principle, it hasn't really worked out well for IronNet. Maybe they stabilized now, but all those relationships didn't really produce the amount of business they thought they would.

Without addressing the specifics of IronNet, the fact that one entity adopting this strategy experienced sub par results is pretty meaningless - mostly since hiring former senior military and government figures is basically standard practice in any organization that handles (or aspires to handle) federal or military contracts. Swap out 'federal or military' for basically any other organization or entity and the practice still holds true.

Did IronNet not do well in government or public sector?

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