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Is the continued forced closure of so many businesses unconstitutional?
3 points by someuser54541 on Sept 6, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
I'm not a lawyer, and the individuals I've spoken to about this topic are as ignorant of this subject as I am.

I live in San Francisco, where businesses I used to use everyday have been forced to close against their will for nearly 7 months. Is this not a breach of constitutional rights? If it isn't, why not?

A lot of it is regulated at the state level or county level. Just like you need a business license to open a business. And pass a health inspection or fire inspection. The feds defer to the states on commerce inside the state.

Is there any precedence that might give the state the authority to close a business, indefinitely, if the business has not broken any laws?

businesses get shut down all the time for violating health code regulations.

Who is not breaking laws but being shut down?

Where does the constitution protect a business?

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