Given that this says copying to the clipboard, not reading from it, I'm curious, why would you want to block it? The worst a website could do it mildly irritate you by copying junk to your clipboard.
"The request to write to the clipboard must be triggered during a user gesture. A call to clipboard.write or clipboard.writeText outside the scope of a user gesture (such as click or touch event handlers) will result in the immediate rejection of the promise returned by the API call."
Once I copied a lone line of commands to run, from a code block on a website (a tutorial article). When I pasted it in the terminal, it contained a bunch of garbage like copyright, unrelated text, and new lines.
Thankfully it didn't run anything serious, but ever since then, I've been careful to paste things into an editor to make sure that the browser copied the exact text that I selected. I understand there are specific needs to programmatically copy things to the clipboard, but I'd consider it a risk/vulnerability open to abuse. there some way to block this API from being called in Safari?