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Ask HN: Where Are People Moving To?
2 points by justinzollars on Aug 31, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
I see more and more moving trucks in San Francisco. Where are people moving to?

I was chatting with a friend on this topic. Based on anecdotal evidence, I heard Oregon is turning out to be an attractive option.

Really? One look at Portland and I start running.

Yeah, I thought the same. But I know a group of friends who moved to a beach side town with dead cheap rental. Of course, I can’t generalize based on that.

I've seen articles stating that people are moving out of big cities since the pandemic started. I also saw an article that suggested a good number of Californians are moving to AZ, but I think this was more anecdotal.

Austin Tx. Not a joke, not hyperbole.

Sitting here in NYC with a lease thru March rip

Might be cheaper to break the lease. Most have out clauses, mine is 2 months rent.

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