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It's much less clear cut than that. In fact death with COVID ≠ death from COVID every single time, even for elderly people.

Well sure, and that is a perfectly valid comment at the micro level. However, we can relatively clearly see that the COVID-linked death reporting is under-reported from mortality baselines.

Therefore it's highly likely that for a given death it is more likely to be incorrectly categorise as non-COVID when COVID was responsible, than to be incorrectly designated COVID.

For contrast the UK overcounted its COVID deaths


It overcounted some of the test based deaths, but in terms of excess mortality there were probably still more covid deaths than have been reflected in test-positive death numbers, so it’s still an undercount.

Here is some data here on excess deaths: https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2020/07/15/tracking...

The parent is giving an example where it is clear cut.

"Your honor, the man didn't die because I pushed him down the stairs, he died because he hit his head against a wall at the bottom of those stairs.".

In the US if he tested positive for COVID after death, he would have been recorded as a COVID death. Not even joking.

From all the varying responses and processes related to COVID-19, there is no single 'the US' policy in any such matter.

Clearly not, given the grandparent.

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