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P.S. unfortunately this doesn't appear to support STEP files either. Maybe they'll be able to add it someday.

Looking at their overview, this is Constructive Solid Geometry rather than B-rep (Boundary Representation) solid geometry. STEP does hypothetically support CSG, but B-rep STEP files are vastly more common in my experience.

This bit me when I was building a custom keyboard. I really love OpenSCAD but these mesh-based tools can produce files usable by CNC machines.

I eventually found CadQuery (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery) which can create non-mesh STEP files. It’s a lot rougher then OpenSCAD but usable.

I'm not sure how useful this is to you but there is an OpenSCAD workbench for FreeCAD. [0] In theory you should be able to export STEP files via FreeCAD.

[0] https://wiki.freecadweb.org/OpenSCAD_Module

While technically that works the resulting STEP files aren’t anymore useful than an STL. You can’t send them to a CNC machine.

Can't one use the Path Workbench in FreeCAD once an OpenSCAD file is imported?

For STLs there are a number of 3D CAM tools: MeshCAM, pyCAM, FreeMill, or importing the file into Autodesk Fusion 360 and using its CAM tools.

List of other options at: https://wiki.shapeoko.com/index.php/CAM#3D_2 and https://wiki.shapeoko.com/index.php/Commercial_Software#3D_C...

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