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>That can be kind of game changing from a geopolitical perspective.

Don't forget from a civil rights perspective. Remember this[1] from a few years ago, or this[2] a few weeks ago? Now imagine that the government can do the same thing, all over the us, 24/7, with zero marginal cost.

[1] https://www.cjr.org/watchdog/how-buzzfeed-news-revealed-hidd...

[2] https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/y3zvwj/military-fbi-flyin...

Yes, interesting. See a car speeding? The software knows where the car came from, will know where it is when "destinated".

I suppose license-plate readers do something similar, but this is space-based, blanket, all-seeing.

Brave new world....

>> Brave new world....

Did you mean Orwellian? Unless I have my dystopian novels confused

I think the poster meant it as a colloquialism which itself was popularized (?) by Shakespeare; i.e. as a turn of phrase that inspired the title of Huxley's work.

Cars go underground, beneath underpasses, inside of parking garages. I can't imagine any way even 100% aerial visual coverage can possibly track individual cars with any degree of certainty.

I would not be surprised if they were able to do a pretty decent job.

Cars that go into parking garages are typically among the ones that later come out.

Cars that pass beneath underpasses are generally among the ones that emerge from the other side. Etc.

Clever software should easily be able follow all cars with very few errors.

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