>That can be kind of game changing from a geopolitical perspective.
Don't forget from a civil rights perspective. Remember this[1] from a few years ago, or this[2] a few weeks ago? Now imagine that the government can do the same thing, all over the us, 24/7, with zero marginal cost.
I think the poster meant it as a colloquialism which itself was popularized (?) by Shakespeare; i.e. as a turn of phrase that inspired the title of Huxley's work.
Cars go underground, beneath underpasses, inside of parking garages. I can't imagine any way even 100% aerial visual coverage can possibly track individual cars with any degree of certainty.
Don't forget from a civil rights perspective. Remember this[1] from a few years ago, or this[2] a few weeks ago? Now imagine that the government can do the same thing, all over the us, 24/7, with zero marginal cost.
[1] https://www.cjr.org/watchdog/how-buzzfeed-news-revealed-hidd...
[2] https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/y3zvwj/military-fbi-flyin...