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ETHisso2017 on Aug 16, 2020 | hide | past | favorite

Is this the only way the USA can compete with China, first they attacked Huawei, for having a better 5G product, then they went after Tik Tok, because kids used it, now they're after Alibaba for being better than eBay?

That's what China gets for stepping outside deal the over class thought they had made; China will provide low cost labor in order to break manufacturing unions. While keeping the middle class sated with low cost consumer goods.

They were never supposed to go into, research, product design, distribution, branding, and teh horror banking.

Asked at a news conference whether there were other particular China-owned companies he was considering a ban on, such as Alibaba, Trump replied: “Well, we’re looking at other things, yes.”

The (low content & quality) article doesn't actually say Alibaba.. as the quote above shows, a journalist seems to have said the name, and the reply was vague. I, too, am looking at other things.. like this coffee cup, now a bird

Trump wants to play 'tit for tat'. But people benefit from having access to all the manufacturers listed and verified by Alibaba, even if the American counterparts remain banned from China.

If Trump's strategy works, both China and the US would lift such restrictions on each other. Time will tell whether that's gonna happen.

To properly play 'tit for tat', you should at least know what the 'tat' is you're going to react to.

The American counterparts of manufacturers listed on Alibaba are not banned from selling in China, although they usually position themselves in the pricier segment where foreign products have a reputation advantage. Just take a look at https://www.amazon.cn/

So the irony of the situation is that China doesn't have those restrictions you think Trump is trying to make them lift.

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