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The JupyterLab extension system is the biggest offender imo.

"Oh, I need to install the python package and the jupyter extension separately? And there are no breadcrumbs if I install one but not the other? And I have to figure out which versions are mutually compatible with each other and jupyterlab because 'everything latest' sure isn't? And I have to install extensions to get features that used to be built-in? And then I have to explain the install procedure to the person I'm trying to share with, twice, because he didn't believe me the first time? UGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH"

Imagine you manage all this but they change something fundamental and you have to (get everyone else to) reinstall all of it.

We maintain a custom internal Docker image that everyone uses for their JupyterLab needs to make this manageable; that way, we only have to get everything to work once, and everyone else can just docker pull :latest and be good. It's become a rather large image, since it needs to have everything anyone uses, but for a small-ish team, this has worked well for about two years or so now.

Another upside: There is a GCP gcloud one-liner to start a VM for a given Docker image, and the image is designed to work both locally and in a GCP VM, with notebooks in a git repository that gets checked out automatically on container creation, so switching from laptop to 16-core VM to churn through a large dataset from a bucket is pretty seamless.

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