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Trying to find a blog series on company strategy
1 point by mlakewood on Aug 13, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Ok, So a few months ago I ran across a series of blog posts on somebodies personal blog on how they approached technology strategy. For the life of me I cant find it now. And I cant remember the blog. Googling has been to no avail because there is a lot of content out there.

The pertinent parts of the first couple of posts were about building a map of your strategy that took into account the competitive environment, had references to Sun Tzu etc, and really dived into what makes a good map from a cartographic POV. It then mapped products along a maturity scale with each piece in the product along the x axis being graded from "magic" to "utility". The maps got pretty complex, but I found it a really good strategy.

If anybody can point me at these articles (as Im sure someone has come across them before, Im pretty sure I might have got the link from here) I would be really grateful.


Found it! just in case somebody else is yelling into the void


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