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The author would say that you shouldn’t be eating pancakes, which presumably you are making with refined grains and frying in oil, and likely topping with some sort of sugar... he’s a keto fan. If you’re going to eat pancakes, I’d say it’s worth making them taste good.

I make my pancakes with oat flour, no sugar (other than the chocolate chips--can't give those up), and no dairy. The chips are at least 62% cocoa, so their sugar levels aren't as high as milk chocolate chips. I just checked and the oat flour I use (Bob's Red Mill) is whole grain, not refined. So I think I'm doing alright!

By no means are these pancakes healthy, but after years of experiments I think I managed to find something that just straddles the barrier between nutritional-waste and nutritional sabotage. And that's fine for one meal a week. Thanks for your concern, though!

Keto has some awesome pancakes though, honestly at this point my favorite pancakes are all keto recipes.

Almond hazelnut pancakes are /good/.

Keto has come a long ways since the days of steak and eggs for every meal.

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