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Batch renaming files in Finder.[1] It's quite useful and one of the few GUI-based looping operations that takes me less time than fat-fingering the shell incantation.

[1] https://osxdaily.com/2015/05/28/batch-rename-files-mac-os-x-...

What in the world, that's been here the entire time? I've been looking up how to do it in bash every time I've needed to do it. It's so strange how macOS has this appearance of simplicity but just below the surface you have stuff like this

No, it was added in OS X 10.10 Yosemite. Before that you needed to either use Terminal or "A Better Finder Rename" which still offers more options than Finder, including the use of metadata to rename your files.

what the hell that's really useful. I used to open emacs (I'm a vim user) just for the bulk rename

so awesome for renaming photos.

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