The article makes great points. The most important one is that the carbohydrate content of Oatly is significantly greater than milk with a much higher GI sugar. It has a different sugar formulation which has double the impact (GI) on blood sugar as compared to Lactose (milk sugar). This alone makes it an extremely unhealthy choice as drinking 12 oz is certainly enough to spike blood insulin levels and cause a subsequent roller coaster effect on blood sugar.
People are blindly flocking it to it because sugar tastes good and clever but misleading marketing.
We really need better nutrition education in society and better marketing controls on sugar.
> The most important one is that the sugar content of Oatly is not only significantly greater than milk, it has a different sugar formulation which has double the impact (GI) on blood sugar as compared to Lactose (milk sugar).
You're also disregarding the fact that even 12.5g of sugar isn't terrible if the rest of your diet is generally sugar free, that some people are lactose intolerant, and finally that oat milk doesn't come with the same terrible externalities associated with the dairy industry.
We really need better nutrition education in society and better marketing controls on sugar.