Crush has been around < 1 year. Perl has been around for 32. Of course more people know Perl.
If I’m being honest, you’re not adding anything constructive at all here - it seems you’re in a competition with yourself as to how much you can degrade Crush for whatever reason.
You act like it’s a choice between Crush and Perl. People don’t have to learn Crush. People don’t have to learn Perl. Will picking between the two have any substantial effect on one’s career outcomes these days? Probably not, as candidates will have already learned the important
languages for getting a job anyway.
If I'm being honest, I have no idea where you got the belief that either I'm some big Perl partisan or that I have something against Crush, or why you're getting so personal.
But it is cute to couch it in a complaint about not being constructive; points for shamelessness.
If I’m being honest, you’re not adding anything constructive at all here - it seems you’re in a competition with yourself as to how much you can degrade Crush for whatever reason.
You act like it’s a choice between Crush and Perl. People don’t have to learn Crush. People don’t have to learn Perl. Will picking between the two have any substantial effect on one’s career outcomes these days? Probably not, as candidates will have already learned the important languages for getting a job anyway.