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imagine hating working with databases so much you'd want to spin not being able to use modern databases amazing features as a "potential positive" just so you don't have to deal with them...

"Imagine hating databases" ... "just so you don't have to deal with them"

Do you normally respond to issues by trying to characterise people?

Imagine this fictional world where anyone that disagrees with me is incompetent.

In my experience, I think working with database specific functionality is like dropping to lower-level of code generally. Something I have done in ORM->Raw SQL and C->Assembly. There is a point where the price in development cost, testing development time, platform lock-in, reduced code reuse IP, subset of experienced programmers within the team/salaries/training, loss of access to future updates and bug fixes, and so on is worth it. But almost never in my experience. Almost but not entirely.

If people had the same opinion when it came to web browsers we'd be in a pretty sorry state.

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