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I was doing the double red donation for a while before running out of hematocrit. Read about this study and decided to go back to donating but this time just doing the standard whole blood so I could dilute plasma a bit. Will update this post with results in 200 years if this works!

It would be interesting if they would try the same research but reduced to just doing blood-donation-level blood extraction from the mice over a period of time.

Unfortunately, without REPLACING your blood with something, the percent concentration of anything harmful in your blood with be the same. I wonder if it requires a quick replacement with a large percentage of the saline solution to have any effect.

Quick links:


""" The average adult has about 10 pints of blood in his body. Roughly 1 pint is given during a donation. A healthy donor may donate red blood cells every 56 days """

The original article says HALF the blood plasma was replaced. So if I understand this correctly, a blood donation would need to be done 5 times to match the amount taken out.

Is there an option to get a saline solution to replace blood volume when donating blood?

> without REPLACING your blood with something, the percent concentration of anything harmful in your blood with be the same

Not necessarily. If the process that produced the bad stuff is slower than serum production, the concentration will be lower. If it’s the same, for example, if it’s a problem with the serum production processes themselves, it won’t.

Ha! I'll be waiting!

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