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Ask HN: Who is running a profitable SaaS company?
11 points by indiedevlvlpr on July 29, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Founder of https://fairpixels.pro, we run a UX/UI design firm like a SaaS. Started out just by myself but grew to 5-figures a month in about 3 months if I recall correctly. We are profitable. In the process we niched down to work with mostly B2B Software companies.

To give a bit more context on how we run the business. We basically eliminated almost all the cost and extra work that normal agencies have. Agencies spend time networking, run ad campaigns, pay for expensive offices, etc. Most of their unpaid hours then get forwared to their clients. These are hidden in high hourly rates. (I know this because I have worked for agencies for years).

At Fairpixels we eliminated all of these things so we don’t have to make customers pay for unpaid hours so we can lower their expenses. We then get to focus on the work we love. Designing awesome proeucts. It’s not our goal to build a billion dollar juggernaut. I want our team to spend time with family and friends. Be fulfilled at the end of each day. Not worry about stuff that is not related to their core skills of designing world class products.

I think everybody benefits.

Many people. Check https://www.indiehackers.com/products?minRevenue=1 for more details, and the forum itself for discussions.

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