I’ve built something similar, although my tool can pull its data from any service that supports tile indexing via the Web Mercator Transform (e.g. Google Maps, OSM, basically every online mapping service):
Its original purpose is the creation of Twitter bots like the ones liked below, but it works well for grabbing detailed satellite maps of arbitrary areas.
Love this, and the bots. I had one running myself for a while, but I missed the part that grabbed the satellite imagery, do I did that in bulk ahead and had a folder of them.
Felicette is a dead-simple CLI tool which searches, downloads, generates, and visualizes satellite imagery in the form of RGB jpegs, taking inputs in the form of location's name or coordinates.
It also has options to visualize CIR vegetation data.
Neat project! The example photos in Drive are a bit wonky on mobile and only one of the files is accessible. Consider adding a few example photos in the readme. What’s the licensing and usage rights of the produced images?
That was super cool! They really get all the details.
At first I couldn't figure out how to zoom in. I pressed all they keys. Then I accidentally moved the mouse over the window and it zoomed in.
So my first thought was, "how the heck do they capture the mouse in the terminal!".
Then I exited out of it by killing telnet, and noticed that my terminal was still capturing my mouse input! Just moving the mouse over the terminal put ASCII codes on the command line.
Looks like a great tool, but its dependencies are sufficiently complex to warrant a Dockerfile. This way it would be very clear what the dependencies are independent of how the host system is configured.
Wow, that just makes it a lot simpler for people to test/use.
Could you please share your GitHub username, so I can attribute with a link to the docker image in the README?
[pipx](https://pipxproject.github.io/pipx/) is a nice way to download python CLI apps in a separate contained virtual env. But I couldn't install your app with it:
Oh from the logs it looks like `numpy` wasn't installed. Please install GDAL=={ogrinfo --version}, and numpy before installing felicette, and that'd most probably solve it.
Take quite some time to install. And some images are great like
`felicette -l "New York"
Some totally blank (real time and dark)
felicette -l "Hong Kong"
Some not sure as a bit random like those of Three Gorges Dam using
felicette -c 109.5568 31.0390
felicette -c 111.003761 30.823748
felicette -c 110.25 30.95
One has coloured and the other not sure.
Works quite well. Input images must have geo data in the exif metadata like longitude, latitude, FOV, camera pitch (most drones e.g. Autel and DJI drones will include this). You need to set it up on a server, then it's a web app which you could access from a phone/tablet but it involves uploading the images so it probably won't work well like that.
> It downloads imagery. At first I thought this was a project to simulate satellite imagery from OSM data or something.
Will update the README, thanks for pointing it out.
> Landsat is what 30 meters-per-pixel? That's not high-resolution.
With the panchromatic band, we can get 15m resolution. But you're right with the fact that one can get images with better resolution on any commercial platforms.
But even OpenMapTiles renders at 15m, I feel. Still have to look into some docs though, I'm curious.
Oh yes, there are plans to integrate Sentinel images as well, but the data fetch layer has to be worked on to handle auth/AWS config to fetch data from buckets.
So released with Landsat 8 first, and I think sentinel 2 has better resolution, up to 10m, if I am not wrong. So it'd be a lot better if Sentinel 2 integration were in-place.
It supports sentinel 1/2/5p, landsat 8 and a few other satellites if you have the required API access identifiers. The idea is to fetch data not from buckets but from the actual sources, so the underlying philosophy is a bit different.
I’ve built something similar, although my tool can pull its data from any service that supports tile indexing via the Web Mercator Transform (e.g. Google Maps, OSM, basically every online mapping service):
Its original purpose is the creation of Twitter bots like the ones liked below, but it works well for grabbing detailed satellite maps of arbitrary areas.