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1. You have to register specs for each kind of document. For example, from the frontend you can subscribe to a user document of a given ID with `{:table :users :id #uuid "some-uuid"}`. The backend will: (1) look up the document with the given ID, (2) verify that you've registered a spec for the `:users` "table" and verify that the document meets that spec, (3) run the authorization rule to make sure the client has access to that user document.

2. It is inherently difficult. The closest thing like this that exists for datalog is I believe clj-3df[1]. Hence I was very excited when Materialize was launched publicly a few months ago. A version for datalog would be cool too, but SQL is good enough I think.

[1] https://github.com/sixthnormal/clj-3df

I see, thanks for going deeper Jacob : )

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