Standard: Start with standard, commonly applicable piece of advice. Lists of these can be found many places (for example, "to achieve success, avoid failure").
Paradoxical: Reformulate in terminology that's opaque, paradoxical, jargony and truncated (OPJART!)
Fixation: Claim that's always true, that it's best thing since sliced bread. etc. Your audience will recoil but some of them will work and realize there's some good advice in your stream of jargon. And having worked at getting this understanding, they will value it more and be happy to endorse the exaggerated value you're assigning to your jargon and your point, which is, indeed, something that is true moderately often.
STA-PAR-FI! This phrase can launch a thousand consultancies.
That is:
Standard: Start with standard, commonly applicable piece of advice. Lists of these can be found many places (for example, "to achieve success, avoid failure").
Paradoxical: Reformulate in terminology that's opaque, paradoxical, jargony and truncated (OPJART!)
Fixation: Claim that's always true, that it's best thing since sliced bread. etc. Your audience will recoil but some of them will work and realize there's some good advice in your stream of jargon. And having worked at getting this understanding, they will value it more and be happy to endorse the exaggerated value you're assigning to your jargon and your point, which is, indeed, something that is true moderately often.
STA-PAR-FI! This phrase can launch a thousand consultancies.