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These are part of the gun culture that I mentioned upthread.

If people followed these or the classic military rules gun accidents would almost be a thing of the past.

Not that I think that will happen:

if people could just stop

- drunk driving,

- speeding

- driving while texting

- etc

that would probably save even more lives, but I don't see that happening either.

> that would probably save even more lives, but I don't see that happening either.

Your examples strengthen the point I was trying to make: The numbers on drunk driving over the decades, and auto safety in general, are an example of what government regulation with societal support can achieve. Perhaps some day firearm regulation and licensing will achieve the advances that the automobile has seen.

If only guns were licensed more like automobiles:

* https://www.vox.com/2018/11/13/17658028/massachusetts-gun-co...

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