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There is no correlation between ownership rates and homicide rates: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence_in_the_United_Sta...

Injecting suicide rates into the discussion is a motte-and-bailey tactic. People make their legal case for regulation by invoking the right not to be murdered as outweighing the right go bear arms, but when confronted with the fact that gun control doesn’t appear to reduce homicides within the US, they shift the goalposts by citing numbers that lump in suicides. But the legal and moral justification for regulating guns to reduce suicides is very different than for homicides.

> There is no correlation between ownership rates and homicide rates:


> Injecting suicide rates into the discussion is a motte-and-bailey tactic.

Or it's simply the fact that I don't want people dying unnecessarily, whether at their own hand or another's. Why should we only worry about homicides? What is your intent in removing suicide from the equation?

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