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> Trump spent $680B

I think this is not true.

> the upper limit a party is allowed to spend in the UK is 19.5 GBP

I'm pretty sure they spend more than that, as well.

the B is a typo, should be M.

> I'm pretty sure they spend more than that, as well.

As per the BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/election-2019-50170067

> In the 2017 general election, 75 parties and 18 campaign groups reported spending more than £41.6m between them. The Conservatives spent most at £18.6m. It fielded 638 candidates, winning in 317 constituencies. Labour came in at £11m and the Liberal Democrats at £6.8m.

> As per the BBC

The BBC figures are a million times larger than yours if you meant it as a total, and a hundred times smaller than yours if you meant it as per-capita.

Or instead of being purposely obtuse, realizing the same exact mistake (leaving off an M) happened here as well.

BBC, same article:

> Political parties' spend is also capped at £30,000 for each constituency that it contests in a general election. So if a party stood a candidate in each of the 650 UK constituencies, its maximum spend would total £19.5m.

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