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There are laws to prevent felons from having guns. Most people who murder with guns are felons. Some people want to make more laws to restrict gun ownership even further. So in the future maybe people who haven’t gotten a training certificate and who have not passed various tests cannot own a gun. In this case, people who carry around pistols might be seen almost as an extension of the police force who only become active in the most extreme situations where police are not available, because they are so thoroughly screened and trained. The man who head-shifted a terrorist in a Texas church comes to mind.

In this scenario, the number of guns carried by criminals would stay the same. And the amount of people murdered by guns will be the same. You know why? Because stop and frisk is racist. According to everyone, stopping people for 2 minutes to check them for guns is abhorrent, racist and evil. So criminals will always have guns in this country. There is no reason to pass laws one way or another.

Some say that stop and frisk is unconstitutional. I think I agree with this. So it follows that it is embedded in the constitution that criminals will be carrying around pistols. There is no changing this. I think that the only reasonable response is to allow ordinary people who are not criminals, not obviously insane and etc to carry pistols. It’s written in the constitution that we are allowed to do something like that. So if liberals want to be constitutionalists about stop and frisk, then conservatives have the right to be constitutionalists about carrying guns. If criminals are allowed to carry guns in practice then it is only reasonable to let their victims carry guns too.

Or, y’know, like everywhere else, criminals likely wouldn’t carry guns and certainly wouldn’t shoot people because “hey, I got caught” is not usually an imminent life and death situation and they’d risk a significantly higher sentence.

Of course, this only works when you don’t hand out 10+ year prison sentences for property crime in the first place.

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