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One of the talking points of the NRA is that the US has many gun laws that aren’t really enforced all that well.

The NRA agrees that you shouldn’t be able to buy a guy if you have mental problems, drug problems, aren’t in the US legally, criminal history, etc.

The only one restriction that is strongly enforced is the criminal history because it’s easy to do a check. But the system for mental health checks is a patchwork across states.

And to layer on, if someone does violate these laws, there is often no punishment. Straw purchases are a good example - it usually falls on the dealer to stop the transaction, but there is rarely any police follow-up.

Straw purchasers do get convicted when someone is killed.

True. They certainly do prosecute some straw purchases.

But I guess my point would be - if they actually followed up on all straw purchase attempts (even just a call from the ATF saying “yeah, that’s illegal, don’t do that”) you could at least say the law is being enforced.

Right now the most likely outcome is the dealer just refusing the sale. You’re free to tighten up your game and try another dealer.

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