I have several reports with backgrounds in science or ops who can write python to accomplish tasks, but are bad at engineering (i.e. the type of code you would write for a large project).
I feel that much of my own engineering skills were acquired through a time consuming combination of reading lots of well crafted code and getting feedback pointing out my mistakes from more experienced engineers. Are there resources that would be more time efficient to fill some of the gap for these folks?
What do folks on HN suggest?
All the "engineer"-ry things like constructing testing oracles or understanding code complexity this can all be found in Programming and Programming Languages https://papl.cs.brown.edu/2020/ that uses Pyret which has similar enough syntax to Python none of your bad engineers will be lost. There are lectures for it too: https://learnaifromscratch.github.io/software.html#org4eef4d... you could teach this class to them the lectures really teach you concepts like trees and graphs and how to reason about them.