I'm working on a side project that allows people to reorder items in a long list¹. I've been using html5draggable, which works fine. But I don't want to neglect accessibility in my project.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find an accessible draggable list library out there except for Dragon Drop (https://github.com/schne324/dragon-drop) which is based on the old Dragula library and isn't usable on mobile². Before I try modding together my own thing, I wondered if anyone on HN knew of an alternative. Things I've tried so far:
- html5sortable
- SortableJS
- drag-on-drop
- Draggable JS
- Draggabilly
- table-dragger
¹ Pairs of residency programs, in case you were curious.
² Specifically it's slow, and dragging an item causes the page to scroll