Before you drop all that money try this: run low volume ambient noise such as rain or distant thunder. That serves as a masking sound and will have a strong effect on getting rid of other non-periodical sounds. Your brain just tunes it out after a while and it tunes quite a bit of the background noise out with it.
yes, that's what I've been doing until this week. but since I'm looked inside the house since Feb this year I'm not spending money on anything. so I decided to give myself this cool room.
I'll do a 360 picture of it after it's done. like I did with the but with picture instead of a render
I don't know if you're doing ceilings or floors as well, but a cork underlay can go under your current flooring and works WONDERS for footsteps, running and other transition sounds between floors. We did ours through Home Depot- you can order it in the carpet section. You can hire them to install or do it yourself. Went from hearing a herd of buffalo walking to glorious silence.
That looks gorgeous. What did you use to make the rendering?
Please let me know when you have it all built I'm very curious to see what it will look like in real life. And don't forget to take 'before' and 'after' readings with a sound level meter!