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Sure, that's fine. Personally, I hate dealing with vim plugin nonsense, and especially with getting vim environments working on a remote server inside tmux. But whatever works.

The other reason I don't favor this approach is that it totally ignores the fact that the organization of files and filenames also give you valuable semantic information. If I had a library, that, for some insane reason, decided to scramble its source across a gigabyte of filenames generated by a hash function, then I would definitely choose your approach. But most libraries (even horrible internal libraries) aren't like that. The name and location of files allows one to better understand whether the search result is relevant or not. As a cheap example, with `find` or `ag`, I can easily exclude the `test` folder, so that I don't have to deal with usages in unit tests when I'm trying to understand a piece of library code. But, if I'm modifying that code, being able to see unit test results is valuable, because it lets me know which test files I have to update.

With your approach, I get the full list of results, whether I want it or not.

Plus, if you want to just jump based on keywords ctags is more than enough and support is built into most decent editors.

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