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We initially only had integration tests, because many people think they're better. I get it: itests use the real plumbing, so they're more representative of your runtime. But they're slooooow -- especially the tests that involve the DB (which is most of our itests).

So we started adding unit tests. Utesting code that wasn't written for utests is painful: you often need to choose between refactoring or just patching the hell out of it. The latter is highly undesirable, since it leads to verbose tests, failures when you move a module, and the inability to do blackbox testing.

But utests encourage our new code to be clean and readable. We've found that functional programming is much easier to test than object-oriented, and is easier for engineers to grok. We just sprinkle a little dependency injection and the whole thing works nicely.

Itests have their place, but utests lead to faster feedback and more readable code.

I think this is part of the problem.

Unit tests are an easy path to fall down, because they're clearly easier to setup, to write for, require less effort to maintain, execute more quickly.

But you don't realise their significant downside until after you attempt a major refactor - you begin to see that unit tests are testing at the layer that changes the most anyway.

Weird that you started using a functional approach, noticed that it’s easier to unit test, and drew the conclusion that unit testing is what led to more readable code. Consider that functional code is the source of readability. Also we don’t typically call it “dependency injection” in the functional world

You're absolutely right: functional code is the source of the readability. But writing unit tests incentivizes engineers to keep things functional.

What's a better term than "dependency injection"? What should I call an argument whose default is always used in production code, but is there to make passing a mock easy? I'm not trying to be snide -- I'm genuinely curious.

I always just called it a "default argument"

OT: Good Old Neon is a fantastic piece of writing.

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