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Stop Being Helpful (unitedheroes.net)
19 points by edw519 on July 6, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I think Westernunion.com is a prime example of this. Unreadable captchas, password character requirements(some caps, certain length, etc). To top it off, they hide the login page about 3 pages deep.

1) Go to homepage, select your country. (Really, is this necessary today? Do IP detection, set a returning cookie, SOMETHING.) 2) Now the Sign In link is available in the toolbar. Click. 3) Try desperately to remember the password they made you create and to read the frakking captcha. 4) Send money or pay bill, while taking a nice fat one in the toukus when you see the exorbitant money transfer fees.

Dear Paypal, please get into physical stores across the U.S. to put Western Union the HELL OUT OF BUSINESS.

I just read the Founders at Work chapter on Max Levchin. He described PayPal as a security company that does financial services. That they assess the risk of each transaction and sometimes they decide to do the transaction even if it is risky. Western Union is in the instant cash transfer business - once I send you money via Western Union, I can't get it back. Since the buyer has little opportunity to get their money back once it is transferred via Western Union, PayPal is much more attractive because it offers purchase protection for buyers and more confident buyers (for sellers). PayPal is not going to be going into Western Union's turf.

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