There are so many grave misunderstandings of monetary theory, how government functions, or the net value of services provided for government in that article. It's fun to watch them get bent out of shape to justify their actions. In a way, if a parasitically selfish person is going to find a way to justify their selfishness with some pseudo-philosophy, they will find Ayn Rand, if there was no Ayn Rand, they'll find some other -ism supporting their position.
Politicians operate much the same. They find one set of economists or another to support whatever policy they've already settled on.
On its strongest form - many people tend to form an opinion first, based on whatever biases they have, and then go out and look for arguments in support of it. Including writers of this article. They decided to take the $, and then assigned someone to write a blog post to justify it :)
Politicians operate much the same. They find one set of economists or another to support whatever policy they've already settled on.
On its strongest form - many people tend to form an opinion first, based on whatever biases they have, and then go out and look for arguments in support of it. Including writers of this article. They decided to take the $, and then assigned someone to write a blog post to justify it :)