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> mountains of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files that lie scattered around various, obfuscatedly-shared directories, with absolutely zero ability to find the thing you KNOW is "out there" somewhere. They tried and failed to fix it

I see this more as a corporate organizational problem and work flow issue with different departments' responsibilities, than microsoft not providing an adequate tool to create a "cloud" based fileserver (sharepoint, onenote, onedrive, etc).

GIGO. I've seen people do useful things with sharepoint with a proper organizational structure thought of ahead of time, before it starts getting populated with content. And also have seen some truly terrible things done with sharepoint.

All too often I've seen companies try to make some microsoft based tool work for group collaboration, when they shouldn't even be trying to use any of them at all. For instance things that should be tracked with proper ticketing software such as RT, and a hierarchical role, responsibility and queue setup within RT, that instead get implemented with Outlook/Exchange/shared inbox functionality.

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