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> Rather, we invented the distraction devices because modern life is so devoid of meaning and purpose that distraction is a survival adaptation.

I'd argue it is the other way around. What we call "distraction" is simply super-salient stimulus that we don't benefit in the long run but can't help being drawn to. It is like addiction. And addiction sells very well. Addictions can be designed to serve the market.

We don't ever get distracted with long pleasant walks, watching the sunset, home-cooked whole-food meals, deep reciprocal conversations, rich thoughtful books, sensual bonding love-making. But all have their marketable, superficial versions we can get addicted to like fast food, porn, hookups, twitter, youtube etc. I think the sense of meaninglessness and purposelessness is created because we get stuck in consuming these surface forms without getting anything that can genuinely nourish and grow us as people.

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