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> You can learn all of this by yourself.

No, and I know this for a fact because I'm me, and you're not. But thanks for telling me I'm wrong that I can't learn something without a tutor. That's a new twist on mansplaining. I guess I'm happy for you that you are so smart.

I agree with you. I learn by listening and collaborating. That is an environment you don't get online or learning by yourself. I learned best when I went to school and even though I totally had access to all the resources outside of school, just reading something doesn't mean you understand at it. Having an expert being able to sort of validate your way of thinking (or invalidate if you are stuck on an issue) is really valuable to me.

I really missed out by not asking for help my first year as an undergrad. With very few exceptions (maybe 2 out of 20?), every single professor was excited to explain things 1:1. My current partner is a professor and feels delighted when students don't give up and ask for help. If it weren't for freshman year I would have been a 4.0 (er, out of 4.0), so it really galls me that the arrogant commenters above insist that college is worthless or just a name game. Yes, I agree prices are out of control. That's an absolute fact. And were there boring lectures? Sure, once and a while: hell, I was 18 when I started. But overall the lectures, recitations and labs were spot on. It was like drinking from a firehose, and sometimes you need help. But to just shit on the entire institution as a scam overall is just plain sad and IMHO a political posturing of the right wing trying to demonize education. Yep, I went political.

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