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It is insane that we consider it a matter of personal responsibility to have an on-demand carnival in our homes but to have the restraint to barely use it. We light our houses daylight-bright with ceiling-mounted lights at night, and can press a button to have world-class entertainment of all sorts instantly, at any hour. That's an awful way to live.

It's nuts to think most people can live in an environment like that and not suffer negative effects. If people complained they were having trouble sleeping and difficulty focusing, what with the celebrities having a conversation the next room over, the opera in the room on the other side, the orgy in the room accessible just next to that, and their favorite band playing sets in their bedroom itself, all at once, every. single. day and night, nonstop, we'd tell them they needed to move somewhere those things weren't happening, because how could one possibly live healthily in such an environment 24/7? OK to visit, but a terrible place to live. And if anything the Internet is worse than that because there are people paid to get you to engage with it even more. It's like that scenario but also there's a promoter constantly telling you all the cool stuff going on, who will not shut up.

There's no living with our modern tech & Internet in one's house and not having serious problems. Not for the vast majority of people. The medium is the message and the message of the Internet is poor sleep and soul-sickness.

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