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I might pay for a Premium twitter account if I got past the Fail Whale - but a question: wouldn't picking any revenue model put an upper-bound on Twitter's evaluation? I mean, if the Premium account is $5 a month, and you know that 2-5% of users purchase it, then it's pretty easy to figure out what Twitter's revenues are, as a basis for a more scientific evaluation. Maybe, because the current investors have set the evaluation so damn high, they will actually SHUN a lot of the revenue-generating ideas that don't justify the inflated evaluation, thus dooming Twitter to never quite have a model, or to be sold.

I must agree with your comment, but what other revenue options would someone like Twitter have other than advertising?

That's a good question, and if I had a good answer I'd probably be working over at Twitter because from all the speculation about them trying to tie-up their company with Facebook and a host of other large companies, I doubt they know themselves how to generate enough revenues to justify this evaluation they're getting.

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