yeah, definitely used to rock when it killed your laptop battery in an hour while running in the background routing other people's calls through you.
skype rocked after ms acquired it, fixed these types of problems by providing infrastructure, and it rocked for a decade. it stopped rocking only when they replaced it with the app-looking cut down app, and years later killed the desktop mode program.
I remember as soon as MS switched away from P2P, the latency of my calls went up.
Actually, as far as I can tell every mainstream† voip product right now has more latency than Skype used to. This sucks; it causes conversations to flow less naturally.
† aka not Mumble, which I will never convince friends to use.
skype rocked after ms acquired it, fixed these types of problems by providing infrastructure, and it rocked for a decade. it stopped rocking only when they replaced it with the app-looking cut down app, and years later killed the desktop mode program.