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Ask HN: How to get eyes on our SaaS product?
3 points by con-cat on July 1, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
We have built an MVP for an app to help restaurants keep records of customers to comply with new laws around COVID-19 contact tracing in Australia: https://hosposafe.com.au/

We are struggling to get the app in front of potential users. We have a few friends who work in hospitality (who've responded positively), but we don't have connections to restaurant owners. We're using Google Ads, but we're hardly getting any clicks. So we were wondering: how do people find their first users for a bootstrapped product like this?

At the moment many restaurants are just collecting details with pens and paper. We also have a handful of competitor apps - most of them are free and pretty janky. One competitor is slicker, but they're also a lot more expensive. So we believe there's a big market.

What's preventing you from using the strategy of cold calling the restaurants ?

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