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a) You can design and make it; I can't. I have basic electronics knowledge and that is definitely more advanced than anything I'd get done in a reasonable time.

b) Speaking of reasonable time, it'd probably take even you more than $50 in time, material and parts (mostly time) to make this. This doesn't look like the kind of PCB that you'd hand-solder either, bringing us to...

c) Making 1000 of something tends to be cheaper per item than making 1 of something, and I'll gladly take an option that's not only cheaper than anything I could make myself, but also ready to use.

You definitely should share your PCBs by producing them at scale if you're willing to do that.

Part of the costs is that I do assemble these by hand! My right arm is the pick and place machine.

I try to do batches of 25 at once, as any more and I want to smash something. I have an SMT stencil for all the SMT parts, and then put them in the oven.

The pin header is through-hole (will be stronger then SMT header) so it's done by hand.

Then going over everything with a loupe to look for solder paste that hasn't flowed or other issues, programming each one, and then verifying the functionality of each one on my own desk (see the video of the testing process).

All in all, quite a bit of my time, and not yet factored in is the entire logistics (storefront, shipping, customer support)

Unfortunately as it's a small operation, I also can't afford to buy these parts in what would be considered a big quantity - so I'm still paying fairly high costs. The jellybean capacitors and resistors I can order in real bulk (500), but the IC's and voltage regulators are name brand from DigiKey.

Are these too small amounts to order fully finished products from somewhere with a pick-n-place machine, or is there another reason why that isn't something you're doing?

Making a PCB is pretty cheap, even making 10 PCBs costs around $15 nowadays. I usually panel my PCBs so I fit 40-100 in a batch, depending on size (and then only use one).

I usually share my designs, the ones I've uploaded have links to the manufacturer where you can order them, though I haven't really done assembly on any, yet. I might, if any design has people interested, though.

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