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I don't know of a "small" Emacs distribution.

You can have Vim in Emacs with Evil Mode. IMO Emacs bindings are terrible no matter what and modal editing saved my career from an early death by wrist injury. But on top of Vim bindings you also get an entire, programmable IDE. I guess it's kinda big but like, so are most IDEs? But you can get many features at a lighter weight than other ones.

Like yea if literally the only thing you wanna do is edit plain text and maybe at most have syntax highlighting, use plain old vim with some .vimrc setup. If you're finding yourself installing plugins to make vim be more like an IDE, at that point, just install an IDE, and no IDE handles vim bindings better than Emacs imo (and this is from extensive testing), so, there, use Emacs.

> and modal editing saved my career from an early death by wrist injury

The fun thing is I stopped experiencing wrist pain after I switched from Vim to Emacs (with ±native bindings), partly because I moved Ctrl to Caps almost instantly, partly because I stopped using a lot 3rd party apps (e.g. XMPP/IRC clients) which required mouse.

Oh interesting - the Ctrl caps change was something I picked up when first playing with emacs (before I knew any vim) and it was a game changer for me, even though I was just using mostly native vscode bindings at that time. I used to think even if I didn't end up switching to emacs, it'd always at least have given me that.

I use this now. It "just works" ™©®

Check out the develop branch though. Last I checked master was waaaay behind.

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