What drives me mad is typing queries that have a space. Most of the time it'll do the intended search, but sometimes it'll try to go directly to the domain with the space which immediately fails.
Personally I hate conflating the URL entry space with the search query space. Which is why I was so disappointed that Firefox removed my ability to separate them recently.
I keep Firefox up to date on my Windows box (version 77.0.1) and I still have the ability to have a dedicated search box. Are you on a pre-release channel?
You have the ability to have a dedicated search box, but your URL bar is also a search box, and you can't turn it off. I want to enter URLs in a box which doesn't try to autocomplete as a search, doesn't search my search engine, doesn't try to fill in missing TLDs, etc. I had something close before 75.0, which introduced the "revamped" address bar that is also swollen.
I separated the search box not because I want a search box (I really don't want a browser with a "search box" at all) but because I want un-interpreted, un-looked-up URLs. Though the current URL box doesn't seem to actually search implicitly, it's really hard to tell if its suggestions are coming from the search engine or not and it's at least a step back in the wrong direction).
I'd love any suggestions for making the URL box dumber.