It's too late now since you've already bought one, but right now, it's still a doorstop than can't be used for anything: I haven't even been able to get one of the LEDs blinking, and that's only the Hello World of the FPGA hobbyist.
One thing that didn’t make it in the blog post was that a strategically soldered wire shortened the JTAG chain to only include the 2 Intel chips
and bypass the AHA chips.
The power to the AHA chips gets cut off at some point, breaking the JTAG chain, but the FPGAs stay active.
It is interesting to see how the prices have come down. While just the FPGA chip on this board was originally $1K, a new DE10 board is ~$130 with slightly more logic units at a higher clock, plus a dual core ARM A9, peripherals, etc.