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Rather, OP is probably already using one and don't see the point of migrating to yet another closed system.

Hypothesis has an open API - https://h.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/

It's not the matter.

If you use a saas, unless it's open source and you can self host, you are at the mercy of it.

If the service is good enough and the team behind it seems in good faith, it can give you confidence for the switch.

But promising to adopt a standard then not doing it doesn't inspire confidence.

The system being closed source (no open API can change that), they need to build trust with some users. Particularly the tech saavy ones that have been burnt in the past and hold data that is precious to them.

Both the frontend and server seem to be open source.



Then I stand corrected.

If it's open source, and it's just a matter of following a standard, I don't think it's a reason for not giving it a try.

I tried the docker some time back and it was broken. Has anyone ever managed to set it up or are there any tutorials or blogs of any one outside the org using their own setup?

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