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Ask HN: What’s one thing you don’t regret buying?
7 points by yarapavan on June 13, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments

There's a couple of them: an used high-end office chair, a good mechanical keyboard with ortho layout, a trackball instead of mice, a proper coffee maker from Italy, my videoconferencing setup with a head-on mic and a Canon cam instead of a webcam, a cat that keeps me company, a smartphone with 128GB+ memory, a couple of cheaper BT headsets instead of one so I can charge them interchangeably, LED desk lamps with regulated light color (I have 6), an electric scooter, a worst-case-scenario emergency supply for 2 weeks...

I like this thread!

Breaking the rules and posting more than one item.

My Nintendo Switch.

I hadn't bought any sort of console since...well never... the other closest console was an N64 from my parents. I had huge buyer's remorse walking out with it and a game for more than $300, but the value I've gotten out of it has far exceeded what I paid. I knew nothing about Super Mario Odyssey and the nostalgia struck me like lightning. I teared up during the city-level-whatever where you turn 2D and jump past Donkey-Kong-style barrels while the music is cheering you on.

My Late 2012 MacBook.

This has been, by far, the best laptop I've ever used, period. Its battery is awesome. I can do any task I need to with it. It connects to wifi instantly. It has a MagSafe connector that has saved me at least once. As far as I'm concerned, Apple could have just iterated on this design for life and I'd be happy. I think the 2015 model that pg mentions in this tweet are an upgraded form of this laptop: https://twitter.com/paulg/status/1157084442365534208

Kitchenaid Food Processor.

I've had this thing for 10+ years and it has been phenomenal for me. Only small problem is that I'm noticing discoloration in the handle after a decade.

I'm sure there are more, but those items come to the top of my head.

Mueller pod coffee maker $40

https://amzn.com/B07PYPX7M9 (that is not a tracking link)

Thought it might suck compared to a regular drip coffee maker, but I found with the low effort I actually drink coffee every morning. Costco has lots o pods to choose from.

I've been good all lockdown.

LG 43" 4k monitor. I don't use 'spaces'/multiple desktops.


A good chef knife. I wonder how I cooked anything before I had one.

My lawn mower

Same! #countryliving

Care to explain?

My Sun Mountain Four5 golf bag. It seems to work fine.

My late `09 Mac Mini.

Still using it and still really don't need anything more powerful.

Mid 2014 iMac, bought as a refurbished unit from Apple in 2015

Of all things I've bought, I only regret a few.

Battery powered finish nailer.

Lathe and milling machine

Thinkpad x220.

My Bluetooth OBD2 plug

My books.

My bicycle.

coffee beans and lettuce.

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