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> Stocks? Maybe, but a lot of companies will go bankrupt.

Exchange traded funds aren't that vulnerable to individual drop outs.

> ...if you're attempting to hold physical it can be easily stolen

If your only argument against physical gold is an inadvertent change of ownership then I have good news: They offer insured safe deposits now for a couple of bucks :)

Yea, maybe an insured safe deposit box is the way to go. I'm not pretending to know the way to survive what's headed our way. There's a lot I like about bitcoin, but I don't know that it's the right choice. Just my personal decision.

Safe deposit box: an asset of the bank in case of liquidation, the contents is not yours when you'd most need it. Insured: Also a counterparty risk: solvability of the insurance company.

At least here where I live (Germany) deposit content is not an asset of the bank (“Sondervermögen”). It cannot be used for liquidation if things go south for the bank. I assume this is true for most parts of the globe.

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