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Real estate and gold always work out, as long as you don't need to cash out without any hindsight.

Bitcoin makes no sense,it wasn't a good store of value when things were stable and it won't be when things are unstable. It's a bet, and every cent put into it should be a cent you're willing to lose.

Default safe stocks are probably the safest thing to put your money into, spread it all over the top index instead of one or two bets. If the entire top index fails, then you have bigger problem anyway because the economy of your country has disappeared

If you had bought a hundred dollars worth of Bitcoin back in April of 2011 (parity with the US dollar) and sold it at it's most recent all time low on December 16th 2018 you would have $320,000. If you sold it today you would have $971,900. Volatile? yes. Good long term store of value? All available data indicates yes.

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