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Bezos shares profanity-laced email from customer angry about Black Lives Matter (businessinsider.com)
3 points by tech-historian on June 8, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

The customer is a bigot, as evidenced by his use of racial epithets, but BLM has likely cost black lives by reducing enforcement, as explained in https://www.city-journal.org/html/ferguson-effect-lives-1491... .

As controversial and problematic as Bezos can be. This is a good take on a bad customer.

They can’t always be right and sometimes need to be told how wrong they are before they hurt themselves.

I do hope there was a formal response from Amazon too, preferably one the form of confirming their intent to no longer use the service.

Bezos might also want to defund the police to provide Amazon security services. If I had a corporate conglomerate that would be top priority.

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