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- Bash is awful (should be replaced with Python, and there are so many Python-based shells now that reify that opinion)

It has its pain points, but the things that (ba)sh is good at, it's really good at and python, in my experience, doesn't compete. Dumb example: `tar czf shorttexts.tar.gz $(find . -type f | grep ^./...\.txt) && rsync shorttexts.tar.gz laptop:`. I could probably make a python script that did the equivalent, but it would not be a one-liner, and my feeling is that it would be a lot uglier.

- Various crusty bits of Linux that haven't aged well besides the above items (/usr/bin AND /usr/local/bin? multiple users on one computer?? user groups??? entering sudo password all the time????)

In order: /usr/bin is for packaged software; /usr/local is the sysadmin's local builds. Our servers at work have a great many users, and we're quite happy with it. I... have no idea why you would object to groups. If you're entering your sudo password all the time, you're probably doing something wrong, but you're welcome to tell it to not require a password or increase the time before reprompting.

- The design blunder of assuming that people will read insanely dense man pages (the amount of StackOverflow questions[0][1][2] that exist for anything that can be located in documentation are a testament to this)

I'll concede that many GNU/Linux manpages are a bit on the long side (hence bro and tldr pages), but having an actual manual, and having it locally (works offline) is quite nice. Besides which, you can usually just search through it and find what you want.

- And of course no bideo gambes and other things (although hopefully webapps will liberate us from OS dependence soon[3][4])

Webapps have certainly helped the application situation, but Steam and such have also gotten way better; it's moved from "barely any video games on Linux" to "a middling amount of games on Linux".

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